Women See 7 Things You Should Never Say To A Man During $ex

Nothing can kick a man while he’s down, so to speak, than being told any of these seven forbidden lines in bed, because the bed is one place where you need to start taking the phrase, ‘Let your actions do all the talking’ seriously.

Spare yourself a major foot-in-the-mouth moment and have a look at the seven things that no man wants to be told in bed:

1. “My ex used to like it when I did that…” The keyword here being, ‘Your ex.’ As in someone who belonged to your past and should be put in permanent lockdown there.

2. “No, I don’t think size matters.”
No matter how convincingly you say it, if your guy doesn’t have any body image issues before, he will have them now after you’ve dropped the dreaded S-word just when he was about to get it on.

3. “Can we get it over with soon?”
Doesn’t matter if Jimmy Choo is holding a flat 100% sale or if Angelina Jolie is banging down your door insisting on handing you her entire wardrobe; whatever it is, we are pretty sure it can work.

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